K.D.’s steps to
publication so far:
1. Write a book
2. Revise book
3. Revise book a lot more
4. Convince people to read the book
5. Write new book
6. Revise first book again
7. Submit book to agents8. Eat chocolate and wail when book is rejected
9. Write more new books
10. Revise first book four more times
11. Cry when book is rejected again
12. Go to giant conference and finally! INTEREST
14. Negotiate contract
15. Eat WAY too many lemon Oreos
16. Sign contract
17. Revise book AGAIN
with editor…
Now trust me when I say that is a very cliff notes version
of the last six years of my life. So here we are at the next step in bringing
this little-book-that-could to your eager hands!
Is it ready you ask? Nope, not yet, but almost!
Big thanks go out to the lovely Paula at Blue Tulip. She
walked me through the process of content edits with only two nervous breakdowns.
(Not her fault, I had a tech issue that nearly drove me insane) Thankfully my
dear friend Sharon took pity on me and walked me through how to fix said issue.
Even though I wouldn’t have thought it
possible, she taught me a few things I didn’t know about the book after six
years of revising it. Just goes to show that you never stop editing. There is always
something that can be tightened, fixed, or moved around all in the hopes of
making the story better. She also made a process I was very nervous about much
easier than I ever expected.
So what’s next you ask? Well, I’ll tell you.
Two more rounds of a different type of edits will be next up
in the process. Good news is the other pieces of the project, such as the cover art, are complete (YAAAAAAAY!)
And I hope to show the cover to you all very soon. I’m very happy with design
Laura created. It’s beautiful!
It's not long now! Keep visiting the blog, Facebook and twitter to catch updates and don't forget to give a book some love!
Until then,